Tuesday, July 15, 2014

~Zeek's Zoo~: Word Wheels

~Zeek's Zoo~: Word Wheels: This idea came from Carl's Corner  http://www.alphabetavenue.net/ . They have the alphabet but I made some additional wheels. Print out ...

Friday, July 13, 2012

Healthy Eating - A Beginning

Healthy Eating - A Beginning

 This week I made a vow to myself that I am going to lose some weight. And this time I mean it!
Not by choosing to go on a diet but by choosing to eat healthier. So at the risk of adding another blog about dieting to the hundreds (or more?) that are out there,  I am going to share my experience in the hopes that it will keep me accountable (and maybe I'll get some feedback from readers about new ideas).

My Plan

Fail to plan, plan to fail...here is my plan. There are many different diets and eating plans to choose from but Jim and I had a successful weight loss result the last time we chose the South Beach Diet (oh my! Has it really been over 4 years since I really had control of my eating?). So that is what I'm using as my point of reference, although I am modifying it to make it workable for me. Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet is very restrictive and I don't want to feel like I'm dieting. Instead I'm beginning with Phase 2. It will probably take longer to see the results but I'm determined to make it a lifestyle change.

Basically, no bad carbs...refined carbs that are created in factories such as sugar, white flour,  packaged and processed foods, pasta etc. and no bad fats...saturated, butter, fatty cuts of meat and full fat dairy along with trans fats that are so very bad...if you want to know more buy the South Beach Diet books, there are several along with a reference guide listing for many foods.

...and then there's this thing called Exercise

I also realize that one of the biggest components to successfully losing weight is including regular exercise. I have to admit I don't enjoy exercising at a gym or pounding the pavement walking (please don't shake your head at me and say something like "you don't have to like it, you just have to do it"). My hope is that after I start feeling better about my weight, it will give me the boost I need to add in the exercise part in the fall...for now I am focusing on staying as active as I can around the house and the yard (which has been very strenuous between the wall scrubbing and the weeding and lugging so far!)

Week 1 - July 8-14

Thanks to my friends on Pinterest (and my new obsession) I have been able to find many recipes and ideas. My usual breakfast of an eggbeater's omelet with one slice of american cheese is still ok...but I'll need to switch to light cheese and add in fresh veggies (or leftover veggies from dinner the night before) such as zucchini, summer squash, peppers and onions.  I'm sure I'll be switching it up but for now I'm happy with this which gives me protein and holds me over until lunch.

I had three really good lunches this week, which I want to share,  including this Chicken and Avocado Salad (click the link for the recipe). Many thanks to Kalyn's Kitchen for this recipe and boy is her website South Beach heaven!!! Let me tell you, this salad was to die for!!! If you love avocados and lime, you will too! And I plan on making this often!

 Chicken and Avocado Salad with Lime and Cilantro

Another lunch that I had was at a local pizza shop at Angelo's Pizza Chef in Millbury. I had their special a Meditteranean Wrap on a whole wheat wrap with grilled boneless chicken, hummus, feta cheese, baby spinach and onion. It was really yummy!!! (I did get a little carried away by eating 3/4 of it when I could have had 1/2...but hey, I'm just starting out right?)

Today my mother and I went out to lunch at Unos. I chose the Citrus Avocado Salad with Grilled Salmon from their summer menu. I didn't use the diet vinaigrette dressing because I've heard the diet dressings add sugar and I am eliminating sugar on this plan. It was truly one of the best salads I have ever had!

As for dinner this week, luckily the fresh veggies in the garden are kicking in and are the zucchini and summer squash is plentiful! I won't bore you with every nights meal but will say that we had no potato and no bread all week. Last night we had some leftover frozen marinara sauce that we made (we=both of us, we like to cook together) and added in some extra steamed zucchini n' onions then served it over whole wheat penne pasta. (I even measured my pasta to 1/2 cup!!)

Monday I will weigh myself and see what the results are...till then....I'm going to eat clean and eat healthy!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Weeding, Resting and Dreaming

July is typically a month where Jim and I are working at a more comfortable pace in the gardens. Usually the mulch is down, the weeds are making feeble attempts to grow but are easily controlled, the vegetable are planted and the garden beds are edged, crisp and clean. As each wave of colorful perennials bloom we have time to sit back and enjoy the show.

That's not the case this year.

Unfortunately Jim's knees have decided that gardening is not fun this year. With two knee replacements in the near future, the momentum of years past has slowed to a crawl. While the weeds are celebrating, the perennials are finding out that they will have to fight for space this year. There isn't a nice blanket of mulch to help the thirsty roots maintain moisture and the grassy edges are moving in on their space. But they are well established, sturdy plants that were chosen not so much for their need for attention but rather for their hardiness and ability to survive on our little spot in Sutton.

As we walk around and look at 15 years of hard but rewarding garden labor, we realize just how much time and effort has been involved and how much our health and determination went into creating and maintaining it. Since Jim is looking at two knee replacement surgeries, we are struck with the thoughts of "what were we thinking??" when we so eagerly designed and planted  perennial beds and vegetable gardens to fill our 2 1/2 acre lot. But health and determination will bring us through this too...and next year we will be ready to renew our dreams and perennial beds alike.

Here is a blog that inspires me to keep on "weeding on". I just love the multitude of plant types, the design and the layout of these gardens...hope you enjoy too!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

My New Blog

Hi everyone and welcome to my new blog. I am hoping that when (not if!) I have my classroom my blogging skills will come in handy. I will try to post at least once a week, assuming I have something that I think is interesting to say!
I think the month of December is a good time to start since I will be in between classes from 12/6 until 1/3 or so. The New Year will find me finishing my 2.5 year Masters program at Anna Maria College. My grand finale? A semester from Jan through May of student teaching Grade 2 at the Heritage School in Charlton. I am looking forward to it but have been forewarned that student teaching involves teaching 40+ hours/week along with another 10-20 hours of class-time, homework, paperwork and planning. I'll keep you posted on my experiences!!